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Reef Resilience Symposium Renee Jean Creative
Reef Resilience Symposium logo

Working together to meet challenges

As the world races to slow global heating by reducing carbon emissions, coral reefs around the world are already struggling to cope with the rate of environmental change. Ignoring their decline is not an option. How can we best support the resilience of these ecosystems, and the communities that depend on them, in the coming decades?

The Symposium was the most important conference on reefs in 2024 and enabled reef stewards of all kinds – practitioners, managers, researchers, engineers, Traditional Owners, industry leaders – to share and discuss recent events, new knowledge and innovations, and how we might work more effectively to meet current and future challenges.

Reef Resilience Symposium icon
Reef Resilience Symposium icon

Over 300 reef scientists and 500 virtual attendees

Over 300 local and international delegates attended the Reef Resilience Symposium on 16-18 April 2024 in Cairns with a further 500+ delegates online, in a collective effort to address the challenges threatening reef survival. With a brand inspired by the colours and complexity of the reef, I delivered a range of print and digital applications which were used to promote and host the Symposium including:


Brand visual identity

Website design and development

Graphic design

Email marketing

Social media

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